Although it is not advisable to act as your own lawyer, it certainly is advisable to be informed and to have knowledge of international template contracts. These resources should provide that information.
N.B. See also Country Specific (Commercial Contacts Profile) Legal & Accounting Firms and Legal & Accounting Firms in the Services Support Section.
Arbitration |
E-Arbitration-T Project Online Dispute Resolution
Open source on online commercial arbitration, negotiation and mediation. |
ICC Arbitration
From straightforward sales contracts to intellectual property matters, joint ventures, share purchase arrangements or state-financed construction projects—whatever the case—we can assist in resolving disputes of all sizes. |
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
The world’s leading institution devoted to international investment dispute settlement. |
International Council for Commercial Arbitration
A worldwide nongovernmental organization (NGO) devoted to promoting the use and improving the processes of arbitration, conciliation and other forms of resolving international commercial disputes. |
London Court of International Arbitration
One of the world’s leading international institutions for commercial dispute resolution. The LCIA provides efficient, flexible and impartial administration of arbitration and other ADR proceedings, regardless of location, and under any system of law. The international nature of the LCIA’s services is reflected in the fact that, typically, over 80% of parties in pending LCIA cases are not of English nationality. |
Permanent Court of Arbitration
An intergovernmental organization providing a variety of dispute resolution services to the international community. |
Crime Services |
Global Incident Map
A Global Display of Terrorism and Other Suspicious Events |
ICC Commercial Crime Services
The anti-crime arm of the International Chamber of Commerce. |
International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. |
A Public Educational Website Covering A Wide Variety Of Financial Scams & Frauds |
Scam Victims United
Offers support and resources to victims through message groups and networking with other victims. |
Organisations |
African Tax Administration Forum (ATF)
ATAF strives to build efficient and effective tax administrations in Africa to become the leader on African tax matters, enhance economic development and improve the living standards of the people of Africa. ATAF serves as an African network that aims at improving tax systems in Africa through exchanges, knowledge dissemination, capacity development and active contribution to the regional and global tax agenda. |
Convention of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center
The objective of SELEC, within the framework of cooperation among Competent Authorities, is to provide support for Member States and enhance coordination in preventing and combating crime, including serious and organized crime, where such crime involves or appears to involve an element of trans-border activity. |
Copyright Clearance Center
Our mission is to make it easy for people to get, use and share content worldwide, while protecting the interests of creators, publishers and other copyright holders. |
European Trademark Association
With more than 1500 members, coming from all Member States of the EU and beyond, ECTA promotes the knowledge and professionalism of the intellectual property law community in the fields of trade marks, designs, copyright and other intellectual property rights, within the European Union. |
International Criminal Police Organization
INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organization, with 192 member countries. Our role is to enable police around the world to work together to make the world a safer place. Our high-tech infrastructure of technical and operational support helps meet the growing challenges of fighting crime in the 21st century. |
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT)
UNIDROIT - An independent intergovernmental Organisation, its purpose is to study needs and methods for modernising, harmonising and co-ordinating private and in particular commercial law as between States and groups of States and to formulate uniform law instruments, principles and rules to achieve those objectives. |
International Licensing Industry Merchandisers Association
The leading trade organization for the global licensing industry; includes a directory of all its members. |
Kluwer Arbitration
Providing access to exclusive arbitration material, the new and improved research experience enables you to make faster and more informed decisions. |
OLAF - European Anti-Fraud Office
OLAF investigates fraud against the EU budget, corruption and serious misconduct within the European institutions, and develops anti-fraud policy for the European Commission. |
The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations
An independent umbrella association of library, information, documentation and archive associations and institutions in Europe. |
The International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation
IBFD is the world’s foremost authority on cross-border taxation. Tax practitioners from all over the world rely on its high-quality, independent tax research. |
The International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations
The main international network of collective management organisations and creators’ and publishers’ associations in the text and image spheres. We work to protect and enable easy legal access to copyright material. |
The National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade
We collaborate with public officials in developing and emerging economies, development bodies, and multi-lateral institutions to develop model commercial law instruments that achieve widespread adoption. |
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
The core legal body of the United Nations system in the field of international trade law. A legal body with universal membership specializing in commercial law reform worldwide for over 40 years, UNCITRAL's business is the modernization and harmonization of rules on international business. |
World Intellectual Property Organization
WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation. We are a self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 191 member states. Our mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international intellectual property (IP) system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. |
World Justice Project’s Rule of Law index
The WJP is an independent, multidisciplinary organization working to advance the rule of law worldwide. |
Reference |
Leading experts answer your questions on, among other topics, talent and the labour market, innovation, energy, the environment, socio-legal issues, well-being at work, taxation, regulations and standardization. |
One of the world’s most comprehensive online resources of professionals’ expertise and knowledge. Mondaq includes legal, financial and regulatory information from over 70 countries – and because we’re really nice folks, we provide it to readers absolutely free. |
The World Bank - Doing Business
Measuring Business Regulations. The largest free online collection of business laws and regulations. |
The World Law Guide
More than 70.000 Links to Legal sites in over 180 countries. |
World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators
Reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories over the period 1996–2016, for six dimensions of governance. |
The site is intended to be of use to anyone around the world who is interested in trade law issues. |
Registers |
European Patent Office
The Office's core activity is the search and examination of patent applications and the grant of European patents. |
Official Journal of the European Union
The Official Journal of the European Union (OJ) is the main source of EUR-Lex content. It is published daily (from Monday to Saturday regularly, on Sundays only in urgent cases) in the official EU languages. |
The International Patent System (PCT)
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) assists applicants in seeking patent protection internationally for their inventions, helps patent Offices with their patent granting decisions, and facilitates public access to a wealth of technical information relating to those inventions. By filing one international patent application under the PCT, applicants can simultaneously seek protection for an invention in a very large number of countries. |
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
The federal agency for granting U.S. patents and registering trademarks. |
Template Contracts |
Licensing Models
Model standard licences for use by publishers, librarians and subscription agents for electronic resource. |
Uniform Commercial Code
Our collection aims to show each section of the U.C.C. in the version which is most widely adopted by states. That means we will not always display the most current revision if that revision has not achieved widespread adoption among American legislatures. |
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna, 1980) (CISG)
The purpose of the CISG is to provide a modern, uniform and fair regime for contracts for the international sale of goods. Thus, the CISG contributes significantly to introducing certainty in commercial exchanges and decreasing transaction costs. |
World Commerce & Contracting
World Commerce & Contracting is a not for profit association and the only global body promoting standards and raising capabilities in commercial practice. |